The Smart-Data Approach

Break Free from Big Data Overload

Empowering the transition from Big Data to Smart-Data infrastructure

Gone are the days of attempting to capture everything, drowning in terabytes of data per hour per smart system. Our approach recognizes that a brute force strategy is no longer sustainable – important edge cases are often lost amidst the noise. So, the question arises: how can we automatically collect the data that truly matters in situations worth our focus to further improve autonomous systems? Our answer is Smart-Data, a curated collection of rich data relevant to situations of interest, tagged for searchability. It’s lightweight, available in near real-time, easier to process, and share.

How it works

1. Onboarding

Developers use the Heex SDK to create custom monitors and recorders tailored to their specific needs. This flexibility allows for precise data collection tailored to unique scenarios.

2. Ecosystem Integration

Thanks to standard data formats and robust APIs, integrating Heex Smart-Data with your existing ecosystem is straightforward. This ensures compatibility with various tools and platforms used for further data processing and analysis.

3. Deployment

Heex agents can be deployed across diverse environments: Autonomous Vehicles and Edge Devices: For real-time Smart-Data capture, Heex agents are deployed within autonomous vehicles, robots, and other edge devices. Back-end Systems: For historical data analysis, Heex agents capture data from replays or re-simulations in cloud or on-premises environments.

4. Data Collection and OTA

Once the data is collected by Heex agents, it is stored in your preferred location—whether in the cloud, or on-premises. The metadata is sent to the Heex Cloud for analysis and processing. Heex Cloud also hosts over-the-air (OTA) management of Heex agents.

Key Capabilities

Edge & Real-time Capture

Imagine capturing only the specific data you need, at the source, and in real-time. Heex makes this possible by harnessing edge computing to capture meaningful data directly from your autonomous systems or vehicles. Think sensor readings, camera footage, LIDAR scans – anything crucial for your development, supervision or reporting needs.

Server Side Data Replay

Proactively identify and capture data that truly matters or intelligently mine your historical data, sifting and prioritizing critical moments.

Flexible & Secure Infrastructure Management

Deploy the solution as a Software as a Service or On-premise. Our platform ensures robust data protection through secure transmission and storage, while maintaining the adaptability needed to scale with the evolving needs of AI and autonomous systems. This enables organizations to manage their data with confidence, security, and efficiency.

Unique Over-The-Air Technology & Data Analytics

Skip manual reporting—instantly visualize event statistics. Quickly spot trends and take action.
The Analysis of your data allows you to adapt and quickly update your event conditions.

For SMBs and Entreprise

  • Scalability

    Heex software agents seamlessly collect data from within robots, integrating effortlessly with any robotic control system.

  • Security

    Heex uses OAuth 2.0 for logins, JWT for API authentication, and HTTPS (TLS) for agent-to-cloud communication. This multi-layered approach safeguards our platform against common vulnerabilities.

  • Modularity

    Our highly adaptable software agent framework and SDK supports an unlimited number of deployments across your autonomous fleet. The system's abstraction layers allow for effortless customization, with infinite combinations of triggers and conditions that can be reprogrammed over-the-air directly from the centralized Platform.

Discover the Smart-Data Potential

Are you developing or operating autonomous systems? Experience the power of Heex's Smart-Data first hand with a personalized demo.